Coaching & Psychosomatics

Using the NLP method, I help clients achieve their professional and personal goals based on their life values. I also support clients who are undergoing a challenging health situation and need to minimize the impact of illness on their quality of life.

The NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) method originated in the USA and explores how exceptional and successful people achieve their goals because everything we do has a structure. NLP is based on the fact that we perceive subjective reality through the nervous system (neuro). We then transform this into our communication (linguistic) and accordingly choose behaviors and beliefs (programs) that do or do not lead to our goals. By changing unhelpful beliefs, changing your life values, and setting the right goals, you will begin to live your life truly on your terms.

Within my competence and experience, I coach on the following topics:

Health & psychosomatics

Lifestyle change, chronic pain, and health problems without a clear structural cause

Life coaching

Self-confidence and achievement of personal goals, work-life balance.

Career development

Change of profession, communication skills, increasing work efficiency, burn out and bore out

As a professional coach with international ECA (European Coaching Association) certification, I am committed to the ECA Code of Ethics. I adhere to all the coaching principles, so everything we discuss together is kept strictly confidential and we will also sign a coaching contract at the initial session, where you commit to yourself that what you wish for you will also be fulfilled.

I will never advise you during the session but listen with understanding and without prejudice. I will ask you questions that will lead you to constructive thoughts. I will guide you through the processes of coming to solutions yourself. I will provide you with proven tools to help you get to your goal more easily and quickly. You will learn how to ask yourself constructive questions that lead to solutions.

Before the initial session, we always have a short interview to find out if we understand each other and what your expectations are from the coaching. This interview is completely FREE and is required prior to all coaching sessions.

At the beginning of the process we explain the structure of the sessions, agree on the number of sessions, and set goals for the areas of your life you most want to work on. In the following sessions, we will systematically work on each area. You will understand why you choose certain behaviors in certain situations and how to change them to get to your goal. We will work on changing limiting beliefs and ways of thinking that will help you develop yourself. Coaching sessions take place directly in the cozy environment of the Una Vida center or as a video call.

Coaching requires your time and commitment, accountability, persistence and goal orientation. The proof is in integrating your new knowledge into your daily life and working on yourself between sessions.